Extract of Garcinia Cambogia
This highly efficient extract increases the energy levels, prolongs the feeling of fullness and helps to burn fats. The active ingredient is the hydroxycitric acid that suppresses the process of transforming nutrients into fatty acids, and therefore helps to reduce weight.
Rock wrack
Increases the activity of the enzymes that take part in transforming cholesterol into bile acids, preventing cholesterol from accumulating on the blood vessel walls. Thanks to the organic iodine in the plant, rock wrack helps normalize the thyroid gland function. Alginic acids, that have iron production properties, help to absorb carbohydrates and fats slowly into the blood, and regulate appetite.
Chrome picolinate
Regulates the fat metabolism, lowers the glucose and “bad” cholesterol levels in the blood, reduces the feeling of hunger, regulates appetite. Chrome picolinate also takes part in regulating cellular metabolism, and that helps to reduce the body weight.
Green tea
Contains polyphenols and caffeine, that renew thermogenesis and stimulate the oxidation of fats, and the speed of metabolism increases. Thanks to the catechins that reduce oxidation processes in the muscles, green tea helps to maintain them in good condition.